Polar Stopover Ehanlec’h Polel

Welcome to the polar regions with the Institut Polaire Français (French Polar Institute) !

Traverse the poles from north to south and immerse yourself in the daily life within a series of Arctic missions.
Polar animals will be brought to the fore through a unique exhibition. The Inuit culture will also be represented thanks to immersive exhibitions and a story time.

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All activities


Valérie Masson-Delmotte, French paleoclimatologist, co-founder of the GIEC

The Parvis

Sat. July 13th

Coffee-Meet of Hydrograaf

Valérie Masson-Delmotte

13:30 - 14:30

Le Grand Dôme

expo IPEV

"Polar animals, a scientific life" exhibition

This exhibition invites you to discover these animals, whose behavior, physiology and ecology enable researchers to track the evolution of one of the greatest challenges linked to human activity: climate change.
French Polar Institut


A unique experience to learn all about the northern lights

3 times a day


Meetings with winter visitors

Each day, a duo will present life, logistics and missions in the French polar stations.

Live video with French polar stations

Every day, chat live with these men and women on mission in the poles

Valérie Masson-Delmotte's speeches

Interactive quiz by Marc Delmotte on greenhouse gas monitoring

The Inuit Dôme

expo ame bleue

L'Âme Bleue Exposition
& Art Inuit

Immerse yourself in the polar expeditions of Breton explorer Laurent Marie through portraits, photographs and sculptures presented by the Galerie Art Inuit in Paris.

Musical Inuit tales

The Marmouzic company offers tales for young and old to take them on a journey to the Far North.

14:00 - everyday




from the French Polar Institute
in the heart of a dome
cabane hivernants

Replica of a cabin for winter visitors

Built by the Puy de Dôme secondary school

Anti-bear tent

Can you get through without waking the polar bear ?
street art

Live street art

about a container
which will then head off on a mission

Fri. 12/07 to Sun. 14/07

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Practical info

Opening times

10 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Main entrance - Parc à Chaînes


French Polar Institut 
L’Âme Bleue association
Galerie Art Inuit of Paris

Partners and support staff


The Parvis

Mediterranean Stopover & City tourism Village

The Parvis

Stopover English Channel and Celtic Sea & Atlantic Stopover

The Parvis

Protection of the ocean Village & Maritime heritage Village

The Parvis

Sea rescue and the french state’s action at sea Village

The Parvis

Polar Stopover & Pacific Stopover

Discover the program

Saturday 13th July

The Parvis

Olympic Village

Discover the program

Friday, July 12